
mrs. neal's not-so-conventional MEDITATION [CLASS] for TEENS...

...the book and the recorded meditation


Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
old things are passed away;
behold, all things are become new.

– 2 Corinthians 5:17


Back in chapter 15 — the one on setting goals — I mentioned that I have never been one to make New Year’s resolutions — mainly because I have never been good at keeping them.

I also mentioned that I do, however, set goals for myself — both short-term and long-term goals — and I find that I am more likely to achieve these.

This chapter will actually tie in really well with that chapter on setting goals. Go back and review it!

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There is a saying that you can’t move forward into your future until you let go of your past.

Learn to let go.

If you are standing there holding onto the door knob, you will need to let go of it before you can move through the doorway!


Take that leap of faith that will help move you forward toward achieving your goals. I understand that letting go and leaving the past in the past isn’t that easy, is it?

However, until you do let go, the past will hold you back from achieving all you want to achieve in your future.

If you have a goal you want to achieve, take a look at what (or who) might hold you back from reaching it.

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Think of it this way: you cannot change anything that already has happened. Anything you have said, anything you have done­ — it’s all history now. Remember the good stuff and any lessons you have learned, and let go of the rest. Learn what you can learn from your experiences, and move on.

Make a fresh start.

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When is a Good Time for a Fresh Start?

Creating a fresh start is not something you think about only on New Year’s Eve when everyone is making their resolutions for the upcoming year.

There are several times during the year that are natural new beginnings; these are just a few:

  • New Year’s is, of course, the most common time for new beginnings, with resolutions, pledges, setting goals for the year, and so on. It’s the beginning of a new year, a perfect time for a fresh start. Get rid of the old, and bring in the new!
  • Spring — a time of renewal in nature. It’s a time to celebrate that winter is over, that new life is beginning all around us. The grass is turning green again, the flowers are peeking through, and the weather is warming up — this is a great time of year to let go of the old, and to welcome something fresh and new in your life!
  • Along with springtime comes the Christian celebration of Easter. Actually, most major religions have a celebration of some sort in the spring. Easter Sunday is celebrated by Christians every year on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. Talk about a perfect time for renewal and fresh starts! Regardless of which religion you may practice, this is a great time to reflect on your life and where it is heading, and to incorporate the power of prayer into your reflections.
  • The end of the school year and beginning of summer vacation is a good time for introspection, as is the end of summer vacation and beginning of a new school year. Both of these times mark an ending of something old as well as a beginning of something new, and both include a lot of planning, and life events you can look forward to.
  • Summer — oh, yes! Almost all kids look forward to summer! It’s a perfect time to feel the sun on your face, enjoy the glory of the great outdoors, and experience nature’s growing season. Grow a new beginning for yourself!
  • Fall — when the trees let go of their leaves and the garden dies back. What a great time for letting go of the things that are no longer working for you.
  • Winter — the time of the year when nature sleeps. Now this is the time for some serious introspection. Time to rest, time to think, time to plan. What is there to look forward to? What fresh start can you plan for?


So, would be a good time for you to make a fresh start in your life? That’s up to you.

Pick a time that means something to you — perhaps your favorite time of year, your birthday, or your favorite holiday or time of celebration?

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One of my favorite times to re-evaluate my life and to re-set my goals is my birthday. I give a lot of thought to the goals I set — even those I may not have achieved over the past year — and think about what I need to do to achieve my goals during the next year, or what I need to change to achieve those I didn’t achieve.


Fresh starts can be an annual, monthly, weekly, or even daily event. Gosh, every day begins with a sunrise, and ends with a sunset. Endings and beginnings — keep thinking ahead — where do you want to go and what do you want to do?

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When is your favorite time to think about a fresh start?






Science is not only compatible with spirituality;
it is a profound source
of spirituality.

– Carl Sagan,
scientist / astronomer